This is how I programmatically plot discrete raster data (e.g. a land cover map) using Python. Here’s a Jupyter Notebook demonstrating the plotting steps using land cover data for Taita Taveta County, Kenya as an example. This dataset includes a QGIS style file (QML) which I used to configure the legend. There are probably simpler ways of doing this, so please let me know if you have any suggestions!

The land cover plot of Taita Taveta County, Kenya generated using Python. A subset of the land cover plot of Taita Taveta County, Kenya generated using Python with a better legend. A subset of the land cover plot of Taita Taveta County, Kenya generated using Python with a better legend, basemap, scale bar, and gridlines.
The land cover plots of Taita Taveta County, Kenya generated using Python.

Data source

Abera, Temesgen Alemayheu; Vuorinne, Ilja; Munyao, Martha; Pellikka, Petri; Heiskanen, Janne (2021), “Taita Taveta County, Kenya - 2020 Land cover map and reference database”, Mendeley Data, V2, doi: 10.17632/xv24ngy2dz.2.

This data is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0) License.


Importing libraries and setting up graphical parameters

Import the following libraries:

import os
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from zipfile import BadZipFile, ZipFile

import as ccrs
import contextily as cx
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib.patches as mpatches
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pooch
import rioxarray as rxr
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap, ListedColormap
from matplotlib_scalebar.scalebar import ScaleBar

Defining paths and downloading data

Set the basemap cache directory:

cx.set_cache_dir(os.path.join("data", "basemaps"))
os.makedirs(os.path.join("data", "basemaps"), exist_ok=True)

Define data directories:

DATA_DIR = os.path.join("data", "kenya_land_cover")
ZIP_FILE = DATA_DIR + ".zip"

Download data (which is a ZIP archive) using Pooch:

URL = (
SUB_DIR = os.path.join("data", "kenya_land_cover")
DATA_FILE = os.path.join(SUB_DIR, FILE_NAME)
os.makedirs(SUB_DIR, exist_ok=True)

# download data if necessary
if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(SUB_DIR, FILE_NAME)):
        url=URL, known_hash=KNOWN_HASH, fname=FILE_NAME, path=SUB_DIR

    with open(
        os.path.join(SUB_DIR, f"{FILE_NAME[:-4]}.txt"), "w", encoding="utf-8"
    ) as outfile:
            f"Data downloaded on: {}\n"
            f"Download URL: {URL}"

To view the list of files in the ZIP archive:


This will output the following:

['xv24ngy2dz-2/Data/Land cover map /Landcover-cMfoO1.tif',
 'xv24ngy2dz-2/Data/Land cover map /ColorCode-ni1SIo.qml',
 'xv24ngy2dz-2/Data/Land cover map /Info-UBC9RP.txt',
 'xv24ngy2dz-2/Data/Reference Database for Accuracy Assessment/',
 'xv24ngy2dz-2/Data/Reference Database for Classification/']

From this list, only the TIF and QML files will be used.

Extract the ZIP archive to DATA_DIR:

    z = ZipFile(ZIP_FILE)
except BadZipFile:
    print("There were issues with the file", ZIP_FILE)

Define paths to the TIF and QML files:

for i in ZipFile(ZIP_FILE).namelist():
    if i.endswith(".tif"):
        raster_file = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, i)
    elif i.endswith(".qml"):
        style_file = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, i)

Reading the raster data

Read the land cover raster data using rioxarray1:

landcover = rxr.open_rasterio(raster_file, chunks=300, masked=True)

View the data structure:

Structure of the land cover raster data read by rioxarray.
Structure of the land cover raster data read by rioxarray.

View the resolution, bounds, and CRS of the data:
# (0.00026949458520105445, -0.00026949458520105445)
# (37.583984352, -4.138089356, 39.21927749499999, -2.682818595914306)
# CRS.from_epsg(4326)

Processing the data

Get the unique value count for the raster data (each value represents a land cover type):

# get unique value count for the raster
uniquevals = pd.DataFrame(np.unique(landcover, return_counts=True)).transpose()

# assign column names
uniquevals.columns = ["value", "count"]

# drop row(s) with NaN

# convert value column to string (this is required for merging later)
uniquevals["value"] = uniquevals["value"].astype(int).astype(str)

# view the unique values data frame
  value count
0 1 16621.0
1 2 33046.0
2 3 33286.0
3 4 981030.0
4 5 9219689.0
5 6 7721553.0
6 7 124588.0
7 8 871990.0
8 9 75661.0
9 10 10556.0
10 11 34500.0
11 12 73355.0
12 13 89317.0
13 14 2582.0

Read the QGIS style file (QML) containing the legend entries and extract the colour palette:

tree = ET.parse(style_file)
root = tree.getroot()

# extract colour palette
pal = {}

for palette in root.iter("paletteEntry"):
    pal[palette.attrib["value"]] = palette.attrib

# generate data frame from palette dictionary
legend = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(pal).transpose()
legend = pd.DataFrame(legend)

# drop alpha column
legend.drop(columns="alpha", inplace=True)

# convert value column to string (this is required for merging later)
legend["value"] = legend["value"].astype(str)

# view the palette data frame
  value label color
1 1 Montane forest #6ed277
2 2 Plantation forest #4d7619
3 3 Riverine forest #27f90c
4 4 Thicket #fd8e07
5 5 Shrubland #fac597
6 6 Grassland #aaec85
7 7 Agroforestry #4df3ef
8 8 Cropland #f9ed25
9 9 Sisal #840bfe
10 10 Builtup #833023
11 11 Waterbody #3630ee
12 12 Wetland #4dc4f3
13 13 Baresoil #ee15ca
14 14 Barerock #132e1e

Merge the unique values data frame with the legend and calculate percentages based on the count:

uniquevals = uniquevals.merge(legend, on="value")

# calculate percentage based on count
uniquevals["percentage"] = (
    uniquevals["count"] / uniquevals["count"].sum() * 100
uniquevals["percentage"] = uniquevals["percentage"].astype(int)

# sort by count
uniquevals.sort_values("count", ascending=False, inplace=True)

# view the data frame
  value count label color percentage
4 5 9219689.0 Shrubland #fac597 47
5 6 7721553.0 Grassland #aaec85 40
3 4 981030.0 Thicket #fd8e07 5
7 8 871990.0 Cropland #f9ed25 4
6 7 124588.0 Agroforestry #4df3ef 0
12 13 89317.0 Baresoil #ee15ca 0
8 9 75661.0 Sisal #840bfe 0
11 12 73355.0 Wetland #4dc4f3 0
10 11 34500.0 Waterbody #3630ee 0
2 3 33286.0 Riverine forest #27f90c 0
1 2 33046.0 Plantation forest #4d7619 0
0 1 16621.0 Montane forest #6ed277 0
9 10 10556.0 Builtup #833023 0
13 14 2582.0 Barerock #132e1e 0

Generate plots

Using the unique values data frame above, a bar chart the major land cover types can be plotted:

mask = uniquevals["percentage"] > 0
uniquevals_sig = uniquevals[mask]

ax = uniquevals_sig.plot.barh(
    x="label", y="percentage", legend=False, figsize=(9, 5),

ax.bar_label(ax.containers[0], padding=3)
    "Major land cover types for Taita Taveta County, Kenya - 2020" +
    "\n[Data: Abera et al. 2021 (CC-BY-4.0)]"
plt.xlabel("Land cover (%)")
Major land cover types for Taita Taveta County, Kenya.
Major land cover types for Taita Taveta County, Kenya.

The next step is to create colour maps using the legend data. The unique values must be converted back to integers first:

uniquevals["value"] = uniquevals["value"].astype(int)
uniquevals.sort_values("value", inplace=True)

A continuous colour map is created using Matplotlib’s LinearSegmentedColormap2; this ensures each unique value has the right colour assigned based on the legend entries. The unique values are normalised from 0 to 1 using the maximum and minimum value ranges prior to creating the colour map:

colours = list(uniquevals["color"])
nodes = np.array(uniquevals["value"])

# normalisation
nodes = (nodes - min(nodes)) / (max(nodes) - min(nodes))
colours = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(
    "LCM", list(zip(nodes, colours))

# view the colour map

A discrete colour map is created solely for the legend in the final plot:

col_discrete = ListedColormap(list(uniquevals["color"]))

# view the colour map
Continuous colour map generated using the legend entries. Discrete colour map generated using the legend entries.
Colour maps generated using the legend entries.

We can finally plot the land cover maps.

The land cover plot of Taita Taveta County, Kenya generated using Python. A subset of the land cover plot of Taita Taveta County, Kenya generated using Python with a better legend. A subset of the land cover plot of Taita Taveta County, Kenya generated using Python with a better legend, basemap, scale bar, and gridlines.
The land cover plots of Taita Taveta County, Kenya generated using Python.

Map with a colour bar legend

A dummy plot must be created so that the discrete colour map is used as the legend3. This seems to be the most memory efficient way of plotting this dataset on my system.

xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax =

# create a dummy plot for the discrete colour map as the legend
img = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15))
img = plt.imshow(np.array([[0, len(uniquevals)]]), cmap=col_discrete)

# assign the legend's tick labels
ticks = list(np.arange(.5, len(uniquevals) + .5, 1))
cbar = plt.colorbar(ticks=ticks)["label"]))

landcover.plot(add_colorbar=False, cmap=colours)

plt.xlim(xmin - .01, xmax + .01)
plt.ylim(ymin - .01, ymax + .01)

    "Taita Taveta County, Kenya - 2020 Land cover map. "
    "Data: © Abera et al. 2021 (CC-BY-4.0)."

Better looking legend

For a better looking legend, legend handles are used. However, for some reason there were massive memory leaks in my system when I used the entire dataset and I haven’t quite figured out what’s causing it. So, for this demonstration, a circular subset of the dataset is used, taken as a 20 km buffer from the centre point of the data’s bounds. The Web Mercator projection is used for handling the buffer.

CRS = 3857  # Web Mercator projection

# 20 km buffer at the centre
mask = gpd.GeoSeries(
        [xmin + (xmax - xmin) / 2], [ymin + (ymax - ymin) / 2],

Check the mask:

# array([38.22196787, -3.58978183, 38.58129398, -3.23109267])

Clip the land cover data using the mask and plot:

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10)), cmap=colours, ax=ax)

legend_handles = []
for color, label in zip(list(uniquevals["color"]), list(uniquevals["label"])):
    legend_handles.append(mpatches.Patch(facecolor=color, label=label))

    handles=legend_handles, loc="lower right", bbox_to_anchor=(1.21, 0)

    "Taita Taveta County, Kenya - 2020 Land cover map. "
    "Data: © Abera et al. 2021 (CC-BY-4.0)."

Adding basemap, gridlines, and scale bar

The following plot uses the same masked data and additionally includes a basemap, a scale bar, and gridlines. Since the basemaps are in Web Mercator projection, the data is reprojected to match this (alternatively, the basemap can be reprojected to match the data instead).

xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax =

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.epsg(CRS))
    add_colorbar=False, cmap=colours, ax=ax

plt.ylim(ymin, ymax)
plt.xlim(xmin, xmax)

cx.add_basemap(ax, source=cx.providers.CartoDB.VoyagerNoLabels)
cx.add_basemap(ax, source=cx.providers.CartoDB.VoyagerOnlyLabels)

legend_handles = []
for color, label in zip(list(uniquevals["color"]), list(uniquevals["label"])):
    legend_handles.append(mpatches.Patch(facecolor=color, label=label))


    draw_labels={"bottom": "x", "left": "y"}, alpha=.25, color="darkslategrey"

    ScaleBar(1, box_alpha=0, location="lower right", color="darkslategrey")

    "Taita Taveta County, Kenya - 2020 Land cover map. "
    "Data: © Abera et al. 2021 (CC-BY-4.0)."
